Greatly Misunderstood (Intro to Game Reviews)

The world of video games, so greatly misunderstood by some of today's media people or people who simply believe that video games are bad for kids. Maybe twenty years ago you can say those comments that simply says it's bad for children but we have to look at the evolution of technology and of course story telling. Now I grew up in the evolution age of gaming, I think and really see how it has mature both in themes and of course art (Some games are just pure masterpieces that should be cherished).

If people compare games to movies, they have some identical features such as camera angles, voice acting or storytelling and this are important elements in video game now a days but some governments or experts says otherwise. Games have great violence and explicit content such as nudity but movies have those too. My comment on these is simple, it comes down to the parents job in choosing a suitable game for their kids and games is just another form of storytelling. The difference you get to experience some of those characters key feelings or endeavors. Of course some would just play for the fun or the multiplayer modes.

Honestly this is a pretty difficult topic to discuss but anyways this blog will have reviews that are more focus on story than game play. I have a great love for stories. Reading Dracula and watching movies like Memento has often captivated me. There are themes which transcends the soul and images or video which are complete almost like a masterpiece. So for those who are looking for great stories from games look here for it.


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